If you’ve been having constant trouble sleeping, your doctor may order a polysomnogram (sleep study) to determine if a sleep disorder is the cause. But what happens after the sleep study?
If the data collected shows that you are experiencing obstructive sleep apnea, your doctor will likely prescribe CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy which is a gold standard treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. If you decide to use CPAP, your doctor will recommend either auto-adjusting CPAP (Auto CPAP) or a CPAP titration study to determine effective treatment pressure.
If you’re heading in for a CPAP titration study and want to learn more, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to learn what a CPAP titration study is, how to prepare for one and what you can expect.
What is a CPAP Titration Study?
A CPAP titration study is used to measure and adjust CPAP therapy. It’s typically performed after your sleep study and may even be performed the same night, which is called a split night sleep study.
In a split night sleep study, the first couple of hours are used to confirm a diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea, followed by a CPAP titration study to determine how much pressure is needed to get a good night’s sleep.
Preparing for Your CPAP Titration Study
When you learn of your CPAP titration study, contact your doctor if you take any medications regularly. They may recommend that you temporarily stop taking them until after your study.
There are also some things you need to keep in mind the day of your sleep study.
- Stick with your typical routine.
- Don’t nap on the day of your sleep study.
- Avoid caffeine.
- Don’t use hairspray or gel that may interfere with the sleep recording.
When you report to the sleep center or hospital for your study, bring any items that are part of your regular nightly routine. Some things you may want to bring with you include:
- Pajamas or sleeping clothes
- Toothbrush, toothpaste, and dental floss
- Product for your nightly skincare routine
- Something to read
- Clothes for the next day.
What to Expect
You will be in a room by yourself, so make yourself at home. There will be a bathroom and a television in your room.
The CPAP titration study is to calibrate your CPAP. When you arrive, the sleep technician will fit you with a full face mask or nasal mask connected to a small electric unit by a tube. Let the technologist know if the mask is uncomfortable or leaks air around the edges. The electric unit will blow air through the tube and into your mask.
When you’re ready to sleep, let the sleep technician know. Sensors will then be attached to your body, just like during your sleep study. The sensors will be measuring your heart rate, oxygen levels, breathing, brain waves, and arm and leg movements.
While you sleep, the air pressure in the mask will be remotely adjusted by the technologist. The pressure will start low and gradually increase. If there are any problems, your mask may be adjusted or replaced. If you are uncomfortable during the test, let the technologist know.
The sensors will be removed in the morning, and you can leave the facility. The technician will send the test data to your sleep doctor to decide the level of treatment that works best for you. Then, they will contact you with the information and how you can get a CPAP machine and mask.
What to Expect After Your Study
Sometimes the CPAP titration study cannot find the correct pressure to treat your sleep apnea. If this happens, you may need a variable pressure machine instead of a continuous pressure machine. You may need to complete another CPAP titration study, or you may need to use an auto-adjusting CPAP machine.
An auto-adjusting CPAP is similar to CPAP, but the pressure is set automatically. An internal memory chip stores data for your sleep doctor to review. The pressure and type of device you use may be changed within the first few months of treatment.
If you have a problem with the equipment or air temperature from your machine at any time, contact your sleep doctor immediately. They may suggest using a different mask, a variable pressure machine, or a heated humidifier. Again, you shouldn’t change your treatment without first consulting with your sleep doctor.
Get the Sleep You Deserve With DreamZz Sleep Center
Left untreated, sleep disorders can not only affect your physical health. It can affect your mental health as well. Sleep tests can help you get the treatment you need for a good night’s rest.
At DreamZz Sleep Center, we know how important sleep is, so we are your one-stop-shop for all sleep medicine services. Not only can we guarantee a consultation and sleep study within one to two weeks of your call, but we can also supply you with your sleep apnea equipment.
Contact us today and get one step closer to a peaceful night’s sleep.
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